Open SVG File

Information, tips and instructions

Editing an SVG file

What is an SVG?

SVG, which stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, is a free and open file format for creating two-dimensional vector graphics.

It is a standardized format and approved by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the main international organization of web standards.

The SVG format is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), a markup language designed to describe data.

However, SVG does not use predefined tags like HTML and is easy to process and use.

SVG files can be created and edited either with a text editor or with vector drawing tools.

Just as HTML uses tree structures with tags, attributes or elements, the SVG file format also uses these types of structures to give the data a visual appearance.

SVG is, so to speak, to graphics what HTML is to text.

Tools to create and edit SVG

When it comes to adding simple SVG-based elements to a web, we can embed the code to represent them directly on the page.

If you prefer to use a tool to create an SVG file and then upload it to the web, you can do so with a simple text editor or use drawing tools to create SVG:


It can be said that Inkscape is the 'par excellence' tool for creating SVG files, as it is recommended by W3C.

Inskcape is a free desktop software tool for Windows, Mac and Linux and with which you can create and edit SVG files quite intuitively.

It includes various options and possibilities that make it the most complete of all.


This tool has a good level and, after Inkscape, it is the most advanced, as far as SVG is concerned.

It provides many more options than others to create, edit and customize SVG images.

Vectr allows you to view the different elements by layers and create multi-page files.

It also gives you a lot of possibilities to create complex objects and save them in SVG.


Free open source tool available for download from GitHub.

It includes tools to draw, create basic shapes, fills or add text, among others. It allows you to create layers and puts at your disposal a library with some objects.

You can export the result, in addition to SVG, in other image formats and in PDF.

If you wish, you can also try the online version.

Links to access the described software

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Also check how to:

If you are not able to open file with certain file extension make sure to check if extension for the file is correct. It is possible that information in the file doesn't match file extension.